Home > Structure and Written Test > SIMPLE SENTENCE: WORD ORDER
Posted on Senin, 09 Maret 2009 by gero
1. Because of its warm tropical climate, Hawaii __________ subzero temperatures.
almost experiences never
experiences never almost
experiences almost never
almost never experiences
2. In flush financial times, ________ on Wall Street may employ as many as 800 stock brokers and managers.
a brokerage typical stock
typically stock, a brokerage
a stock typical brokerage
a typical stock brokerage
3. Even at the peak of its power, the circulating column of air at the core of a tornado ________ in excess of 250 miles per hour.
almost never reaches
reaches almost never
almost reaches never
reaches never almost
4. Among the many unusual creatures of the high Nepalese forests _________ with genetic ties hearkening back to the time of mammoths.
a breed is of unusual elephants
is an unusual breed of elephants
an unusual breed is of elephants
elephants are an unusual breed
5. Not only __________ a strong swimmer but also, as its name suggests, it can walk for miles with little rest.
the booby blue footed is
the blue footed booby is
is the blue footed booby
footed is the booby blue
6. "Earth" is a __________ appearing in somewhat impure or diluted form.
naturally occurring metal oxide
occurred naturally oxide metal
oxide metal occurring naturally
metal occurring naturally oxide
7. Wagner's son, Siegfried, was __________ despite being devoid of originality and force.
a man young, talented extremely
a young man, extremely talented
a talented young man extremely
an extremely talented young man
8. __________, Buffon, studied tree sloths intensively before dying in 1788.
The great French naturalist
The naturally great French
The French greatly natural
Naturally, the great French
9. __________ the import trade appreciate the proportion of imported food and drug stuffs.
Few persons not associated with
Not few persons associated with
Associated with not a few persons
With not a few persons associated,
10. Beaver dams vary in size from __________ to branchy shrubbed obstacles thwarting the flow of water.
log barriers large
large log barriers
barriers log large
log large barriers
11. Elephantine appetites make kindling of Botswana's _________.
northern large riverine forests
riverine large forests riverine
large northern riverine forests
large riverine northern forests
12. Threatened with prison for debts ___________, Peale fled to Boston in 1765 on horseback.
of some three hundred dollars
some of the three hundred dollars
of three hundred dollars were some
of three hundred some dollars
13. The Previa's __________ provides easy access to the vehicle's optional DVD system.
contoured uniquely design interior
interior design contoured uniquely
uniquely contoured interior design
design contoured uniquely interior
14. Amoco, a once powerful oil company, specialized in ___________.
regional plants polystyrene recycling
regional polystyrene recycling plants
polystyrene plants regional recycling
plants recycling polystyrene regional
15. An __________Seretse Khama helped guide central Africa into its post-colonial period.
educated jazz Oxford buff
Oxford buff jazz educated
Oxford educated jazz buff
educated Oxford buff jazz
Answers: D , D, A , B, C , A, D , A, A , B, C, A, C, B, C
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