1. Egyptian pyramids were regularly robbed despite their intricate passageways, byzantine mazes, and __________.

walls which were false
they had false walls
false walls
walls of falsity

2. In the years following the American Revolution and prior to the establishment of a national government , Washington provided the fledgling country with keen economic insight, _________, and astute international judgment.

a recognition of stability that was domestic
to stabilize the domestic situation
which was domestically stable
a sense of domestic stability

3. Despite the appearance of being merely pests, ants can serve a garden by eliminating other bothersome insects and ________.

they can aerate the soil
aerating the soil
to aerate the soil
that can aerate the soil

4. From Wrangell Island to Anchorage, Alaskan glacial formations rival those ________ and ones located in northern Canada .

found in Antarctica
which are found in Antarctica
finding in Antarctica
they find in Antarctica

5. The undergirding of cars is adversely affected ________ and excessive jostling .

in extremely salty
by extreme salinity
which is extremely salty
with salt that is extreme

6. The red- headed clytus is a close relative of the banded ash borer and __________ considerable damage to the wood of dead and dying ash .

to do

7. The continued use of the soils of the Ozark region is no longer possible because of a number of factors, both natural and __________.

those of which are artificial

8. The common puffin is a member of the very well -defined family of auks , including _________, guillemonts, razorbills, and the extinct greak auk .

those little auks
the auks which are little
little auks
auks that are little

9. Aluminum, __________, ductile metal, is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust.

a silver
that is a silversmith
a silvery
that is silver

10. Comparing __________ with a melody by Rossini or a scherzo by Beethoven, brings into focus the difference between schools of music

a Jensonian nocturne
a nocturne which belongs to Jensen
a nocturne whose Jensen
a nocturne by Jensen

Answers: C , D, B , A, B , D, B , C, C , D
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